Posts tagged creativity
About “Getting Out There in a Big Way” & 100% Visibility

When you search “Personal Branding Services”, you’re met with design agencies promising a polished visual representation of who you are, copywriters promising a specific tone on your website, and motivational speakers promising that when you know who you’re talking to, you can get out there in a big way and create a community.

I used to offer those same services, but found that my clients were already more than capable of that. I tend to attract clients who are excellence-seekers and course-junkies who go for certificate after certificate. The missing piece that I truly help with is getting them out of overthinking and overdoing, so they can get into compassionately connecting with audiences and reality.

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Tanween 2021 - Join me Oct 27 at Ithra in Dhahran

I’ll be out in the world ready to say hi and talk about productivity at Tanween 2021! I’m excited to let you in on the details of these sessions that will build the foundation for creative thinkers who happen to overthink 🎉

First week of Tanween 2021 kicks off with the Emerging Creatives track ✨

With eyes set on the future, final-year students, recent graduates or early careerists are invited to join us for a two-day series of events comprising panels, talks, showcases, pitch training, mentor sessions, networking opportunities, workshops and more to help launch into their passion and profession through preparation. Polish your personal brand, practice your pitch and build your network. The New Creatives program will give you the tools to get there.

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Thanks, Procrastination!

When I notice I’m not doing a task, I say “oh, I guess I don’t want to do it”. The difference between my next step and what my new clients do are very different.

I’ve been recording my moments of procrastination for the past nine years. That is every time I procrastinated for more than 15 minutes. This is insane, and I wouldn’t recommend starting this way. It came of necessity when I was diagnosed with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) when I was 10 years old (1997). This self-research paid off when I got my MBA and became self-employed.

Here is everything I learned about procrastination:

tl;dr: Procrastination is your wise body taking energy and time you didn’t provide to it.

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Why you don't like help when it would make your life so much easier and 4 steps to change it

Here are three ways to see if your ego is hijacking your chance of true innovation through collaborative relationships.

“I will hurt for you”

You may decline help because you’re the strong one – it’s your identity. Asking someone else to struggle the way you do seems selfish at best. You may decline help because the feeling of someone thanking you is too good to give to someone else. It’s a popular myth that you can only get true recognition by struggling through weakness instead of serving from strengths.

“I can’t”

You may decline help because the effort of being the solution-person is too big a responsibility. The goal is too big and unwieldy for you to even start thinking about, so how in the world could you put into words what you’d need from others? This can also be tied to perfectionism where no one else can get to the standard that you know it should be. Obviously, you can’t trust anyone else with this.

“I told you so”

Once you give it a go and try to ask for help, you are disappointed and nothing got done. This always happens when someone else tries to get involved, it just isn’t right. Resentment, blame, and isolation bubbles up in you, keeping you in your comfort zone of lonely struggle.

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