Know what you’re looking for?
Visibility & Personal Brand Coaching
I work with sincere impact-driven experts & entrepreneurial leaders who struggle with visibility.
This struggle shows up as procrastination, disgust with influencer culture, imposter syndrome, presentation panic, and a broken exhausting work-life balance. As a result of my program and trainings, they (and maybe you!) receive clarity on what opportunities they truly want, why they deserve it, who to connect with to make it real, and what to easily say.
This program is influenced by my MBA and past in marketing and communications, but its effectiveness lies in my shy past as an anxious procrastinator with a 2.5/4 GPA and several failed semesters.
The transformation needed to somehow get a fresh-grad corporate job with an annual salary of $70,000 while having a past of ADHD, half-baked initiatives, and clinical depression is not a coincidence. This transformation was a journey of focus, perseverance, and baby steps that I have packaged in my curricula. It is my life’s legacy to empower others to have the same mindset shift with much more speed and clarity.

Taking your visibility commitment seriously
There are several ways to take your visibility journey seriously with me so you can learn tools to
💖 Get clarity of yourself and let go of the beliefs that don’t serve you (self-confidence)
💎 Use the latest in marketing techniques to create your strategy for connecting with your Dream Audience (self-promotion)
✨ Set up your productivity ecosystem so these two ways of life come naturally to you (self-efficacy)
In my community lives, I record the teachings, tools, and sometimes full conversations that happen in the community. Available wherever you get listen to podcasts.
The most effective way to take your goals to the next level. You receive access to the community app, monthly video sessions, ongoing private chat, and your notes and actions taken for you in one place.
I’m on a mission to make sure anyone interested in updates gets exactly what they need without any glimpse of spam. So looking to keeping in touch!
Create an engaging learning moment for your team, class, event, or conference. Be one of the first organizations in the region to unlock the power of personal branding & visibility for attendees.
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