Posts tagged women empowerment
Appearance: 5th Anniversary with Khayra Bundakji on Azzbda Podcast

An Arablish episode where we ended up reminiscing about how Azzbda podcast started and why it was my contribution to getting female voices on podcasts, along with changes we’ve noticed in ephemeral vs permanent media online.

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Why you don't like help when it would make your life so much easier and 4 steps to change it

Here are three ways to see if your ego is hijacking your chance of true innovation through collaborative relationships.

“I will hurt for you”

You may decline help because you’re the strong one – it’s your identity. Asking someone else to struggle the way you do seems selfish at best. You may decline help because the feeling of someone thanking you is too good to give to someone else. It’s a popular myth that you can only get true recognition by struggling through weakness instead of serving from strengths.

“I can’t”

You may decline help because the effort of being the solution-person is too big a responsibility. The goal is too big and unwieldy for you to even start thinking about, so how in the world could you put into words what you’d need from others? This can also be tied to perfectionism where no one else can get to the standard that you know it should be. Obviously, you can’t trust anyone else with this.

“I told you so”

Once you give it a go and try to ask for help, you are disappointed and nothing got done. This always happens when someone else tries to get involved, it just isn’t right. Resentment, blame, and isolation bubbles up in you, keeping you in your comfort zone of lonely struggle.

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Bookings are open again!

It’s here! A number of you kindly subscribed to my updates when I stopped taking clients; thank you for your patience. I am really excited to update you on my new offerings at!

As you may know, I’ve been seeing clients since I first moved to Jeddah in 2007, helping them set up blogs and connecting them with the right communication outlets. Well, I have officially made the jump to dedicate all my time to my clients & my business. My clients gain insight in speaking about themselves in a calm, aligned, and enjoyable way 🧘

The services I offer….

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The role of feminism in supporting men to be whole humans

Women in Saudi (as we have heard time and time again) had been stopped (again and again) from pursuing their ambition. Some by accident and some on purpose. However, Khayra believes not only women suffer in a patriarchy. Expecting specific output from 50% of the population based on gender alone stops everyone from being their full selves.

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